Saturday, November 7, 2009

I have a fiance

The announcement slide had said that if you missed Sparky’s surprise skit at the fundraiser luncheon you would regret it. In the past, all of his skits have been extremely creative and fun so I was looking forward to it. Plus, I knew who was doing the cooking so I had my reservations for the upcoming event.

As we were sitting at our little table eating our salads, Curtis said that the skit was one of those that involved Sparky taking people from the audience. Considering our history of making fun of each other, I had a feeling I was in trouble.

I look over and see that in addition to Curtis’s parents who arrived earlier to watch the puppet black light show, Curtis’s grandparents arrived.

Now, Curtis’s granddad is a pastor at a church of his own and finished his morning duties (he he, duties) and then they came to our church for lunch.

“Hey, you’re grandparents are here! Why are they here?”

“I don’t know. Sparky, why are granddad and them here?”

“I don’t know, I guess to support the puppet ministry.”

Now, I would like to think that I am an intelligent person. However, my brain stopped working. I didn’t put any of it together. Other people told me later that they figured out what was happening. I would like to think that God made me intentionally stupid at this moment. Especially when Curtis’s mom pulled out her video camera at this next part.

Sparky steps up to the podium and announces that he, and whoever he gets from the audience to help him, will be performing the favorite fairy tale, “Cinderella.”

Immediately, Steven began to heckle. Now I KNEW I was in trouble.

Sure enough, I was chosen to play the role of Cinderella. I was handed an apron and a broom. My evil step mother was a police chief and my evil step sisters were a juvenile probation officer and a dog catcher, both male, all three in bad wigs.

Then my fairy god mother arrives. Darin. He, I’m sorry, she, had long blonde hair, fairy wings and a wand. Oh and she spoke like Yoda, thanks to the heckler.

Then comes Prince Charming. My Prince Charming, Curtis. Of, course, he had a wig too.

Sparky walked us through the whole story including dancing and shoes and all.

Then came the moment when Prince Charming gets down on one knee. Now, I thought Sparky was just teasing him again for taking FOREVER to advance our relationship. Then Curtis reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring box.

Wait, a minute! Sparky didn’t give him that prop.

Now, let me give you a little side note for a moment: One night, a couple months into our relationship, as Curtis walked me to the door after a date, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a box that had a candy heart in it. He gave it to me. I read the heart and it said, “Kiss me.” And that was how our first kiss happened.

Another night, I handed him a box that said the words, “Love ya” which brought about the first time we said I love you to each other.

Ok, back to the story.

So, Curtis has this ring box, he’s down on one knee, wearing a mullet wig, and I’m confused because I still don’t know what’s going on. Curtis opens the ring box and inside is a candy heart that says, “Marry me.”

That’s when the neurons kicked in and I understood: Curtis is asking me to marry him!!!

The crowd went wild! It was like it was a football game with all the whooping and hollering. I looked up and Alexis was crying (so was Darin).

Then he reaches into his other pocket and pulls out the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen.

I said yes.