Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"K" is for Knowing Better

As I sit here in a coffee shop working, I can't help but overhear the women at the table next to me. I feel sorry for them because according to their conversation, everyone in their life is terrible.
They have not had one nice thing to say about anyone.
They've talked about coworkers, family, and random strangers.
All conversation has been critical and negative.

I have also heard the phrase, or some form of the phrase: "I'm not trying to be ugly but..." approximately every 5th or 6th sentence.

Now I have just heard them belly laugh over someone's mental illness. Not cool.

What first got me was that they were complaining about a Facebook friend of theirs that frequently posts about how much she loves her husband. Apparently, expressing your love for your spouse is irritating and mock worthy.

At first, I found myself getting angry. These types of conversations are what perpetuate the stereotype that women are caddy biddies who get together with "friends" to gossip. They should know better!

Then I remembered that I have done my fair share of venting and criticizing. Lately, I've made a conscious effort to not be as critical. Most do not know I've made that effort because it hasn't been obvious yet.

Why hasn't it been obvious yet? Because I am terrible at it.

What I have also noticed is that I have a tendency to be overly critical and gossipy when I'm in a bad mood. This bad mood can come from not feeling well to not having enough sleep or a circumstance that got me down.

Current circumstance: Women at the table next to me which is resulting in me being overly critical.
Just like them.

O Lord, please help me to be less critical and more understanding. Maybe these women are also having a bad circumstance. When I get overheard, may my conversation not put someone in the position of needing to be understanding. May I always be partaking in my favorite fruit (Joy) and may it be obvious to those around me. LORD, please help me to know better.

There is quite a bit of LOUD foul language involved as well and the Mennonites just walked in. This might get entertaining now.

PS: I did get my t-shirt that has my slogan on it: Joy is my favorite fruit. My sister with Adventure and Truth Designs made me one for Christmas.