No, I'm not talking about the movie. I've never seen the movie and there is not a plan to see it, either. No, this is about real horrible bosses. I'm not talking about my boss(es) but someone who is very dear to me (who did not give me permission to post about this) has just been shafted by her horrible bosses. This particular shafting is just another one in a long list of questionable choices they have made. Their behavior has confirmed much of my disillusionment with the American church.
My feelings toward the American church are not about the people. I love God's people and spending time with them and serving them and serving with them is one of my favorite things in the world.
However, much of the church leadership has led to a shift in my attitude.
It is not a shift for the better.
I am extremely fortunate to be working at a church where the leadership is not too big for their britches. They seek to do God's will and serve Him and His people in the best way possible. That includes teaching His word and loving. Grace Fellowship is place where people love. It's that simple.
Just simply loving people. No matter what.
It is this church that has helped me understand what it means to "love people to the cross" and not just stand on your beliefs of what the worst sins are in the hopes that it "set an example." Ugh!*
However, I have been put in the position to either experience first-hand or watch others experience the holier-than-thou-I'm-a-spiritual-giant-so-of-course-I'm-right attitude that many American Christians have. It's like they take people who disagree with them as the great persecution of those called by God. Being in a leadership position in a church or ministry does leave one open for a higher level of scrutiny and even attack. But not every person who has an opposing opinion or a suggestion is the proverbial thorn in their side. God could be using those people to help correct where they have gone awry. **
Let me give you an example of the OPPOSITE of my complaint: I've seen my pastor take a smack down, finger-wagging, scolding with humility. I've watched him analyze himself and his actions and take the scolding that he took to make him a better minister. It would have been so easy for him to dismiss what that person said to him. He didn't. He knows he's human and makes mistakes. He knows that, just like the rest of us, we may need some correction from people that love him.
These previously mentioned horrible bosses seem to have this idea that everything they do is God-ordained and anyone that has even a small deviation from their way of doing things, is not in God's plan. I know I'm probably being overly critical but I'm pissed.
My disillusionment with the American church is that I see a lack of true, God-centered love. The kind of "love" I see the most often is one that is self-serving and ends in a badge that can be worn that says, "Look at me! I loved someone!"
To that person that is so very dear to me: your horrible bosses are now somebody else's problem. I love you.
Now, where do I get my badge?
*Please don't misunderstand me. I do think it is important to not compromise your standards or convictions. However, our job is to love. If we think someone else's sin is worth protesting than why aren't we protesting outside your house for that lie you told last week or the Facebooking you do at work on company time?
**Coincidentally, there a great new book out that can be ordered from Amazon for your Kindle or paperback. It's called 15 Reason Why Things Happen by Darril Deaton. Great book. Don't forget to read the forward.