The idea behind Craigslist is a pretty cool one. At least, until you factor in how disgusting humanity is. Well, a couple of years ago, with our anniversary coming up, I had yet to figure out what to get Curtis. I wanted to get him something he would really like that he would never get for himself. Then one day, I remembered Curtis talking about how he wasn't sure how many episodes of NCIS he may have missed over the years. I started to do a search to see how much it would cost to buy all the seasons to date, which was 1-7.
Whew, it was expensive. I love my husband, but I couldn't afford that.
In walks Craigslist.
To my surprise, there were a lot of people in my area that were looking to sell their DVDs of NCIS seasons 1-7. I looked for someone near where I worked which was in a upper class neighborhood. I found one and the contact information was for a woman who was asking a very reasonable price.
I made contact.
She seemed like a very lovely lady. Her price was really low and when I asked why, she said that she and her husband were trying to downsize. I agreed to meet at her house. She gave me her address and away I went.
As I was driving through the neighborhood, the houses just kept getting bigger and bigger. I pulled into the circular driveway of the house and immediately thought my little Ford Fiesta did not belong here. I knocked on the door and a man answered. I got a little nervous. He knew who I was and then he told me his wife had run to the grocery store. He ushered me into what looked like an office in what could possibly be the biggest single family dwelling I have ever walked into. In his office, he has stacks and stacks of movies and TV series. I told him how much the ad said and I handed him the money. He put the DVDs in a bag and then motioned to another stack and said I could pick two more movies because I didn't give him a hard time on the price. I told him that it would be ridiculous for me to try and haggle when the price his wife set was a really good one.
Curtis really liked the gift.
Now NCIS is on Netflix. I guess I could have just waited a few years.
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