Saturday, July 27, 2013

Here we go again

I'm writing this on my phone while in the car ahead of me is my brother and sister as we are headed to the airport.

They leave to return to Hong Kong this morning. They are about to start on phase two of their mission in the new place they call home. 

That last part was hard to write. Darin has written a couple of blogs about how Texas is not his home anymore. That's hard for me because if I consider Hong Kong their home, then that means the only time I'll see him and Lexus is on short visits. I like to think there's an option of living close together again. I like to imagine that one day we will serve The Lord together like we used to. What my brother doesn't understand, because it's not the same for him, is that things are harder when he's not around. I'm a better worship leader and all around musician when he's there with me. 

One year ago, as we were heading to the airport I had it together. I didn't cry because I had prepared myself. Somehow, this time is harder. I guess it snuck up on me and I'm a wreck. I'm trying to get it all out in the truck so I won't cry at the airport where Darin will surely make fun of me and Lexus will cry too adding to the vicious cry cycle. 

It's proving more difficult than I thought. 

We had some great times while they were here and I'll post about those later. This post, however, is my emotional outlet one. Hopefully Darin and Lexus won't read it and if they do, it'll be after we say goodbye.