Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday Five!!!

Haven't posted in a while so I figured I need to give the masses something.  So here's this week's Friday Five!!!!

How many schools (up until college) have you attended, in all?

Let's see: Grant Elementary in Lakewood, OH (1); Aledo Elementary (2); Aledo Intermediate (3) Aledo Junior High (4); and Wamogo High School (5)

How many states have you lived in before the age of 18? How many countries?

One country: America!  3 states: Ohio, Texas, and Connecticut

Have you ever seen the hospital where you were born -- where is it/what's it's name?

Yes, I have.  It was a Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Cleveland, OH (not county) that is no longer there.

Do you plan to live in the same state in which you were born, or somewhere else?

Well, seeing as I currently do not live in the state in which I was born, it does not look good for living in Ohio.  Especially since my husband has never lived more than an hour from his Kaufman, even to go to college.  I'm always open to whatever including Ohio or any other state or country. 

Do you still talk to people from elementary school, middle-school or high school?

I do still talk to people from high school.  Sarah, Mark, and Liz especially.  I read a lot of posts by a lot of people from high school.  I take an extra effort to check Stephanie's to see how she's doing.  I do also talk to some people that I knew while I was in high school but that I didn't go to high school with.  My church was (and is) a huge part of my social life and I'm still in touch with quite a few of those individuals.  No one from the elementary school in Ohio and the people in the Texas elementary school are the same from the Texas middle school.  The only one of those individuals that I still talk to is Stacia and that's because she found me on Facebook.  Oh wait!!!  Not true, I also am in touch with Mary Katherine from middle school as she is also on Facebook.  I also worked with on a daily basis for 2.5 years with the little sister of one of the boys I went to middle school with.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Friday Five…on Wednesday

I meant to do a Friday Five* on Friday, but I forgot.  So today, I'm doing last week's Friday Five and I'll try to do this week's actually on Friday.  So, for your reading enjoyment, here is my Friday Five!!!

What event in the world has most shaped your worldview?
I know it seems cliche to say 9/11 but that was my generation's JFK.  What impacted me most about 9/11 was Flight 93 that went down in Shanksville, PA.  I've written a blog about this in the past, like way back.  I remember reading about the passengers on that flight and how willing they were to risk their lives to take the terrorists down.  I wondered, "Would I be one of the ones going down that aisle or sitting in my seat watching and praying?"  When I expressed this question to my mom she said that she had no doubt that I would be going down that aisle.  I, however, wasn't so sure.  Since then I've tried to live my life to become the kind of person that would wield a knife against a terrorist in a plane.

What personal event in your life is the most noteworthy to you?
I have many to choose from: my grandfather's death, my first mission trip (with the vampires), graduation from seminary.  However, I'm going to choose getting kicked out of my church.  That incident shaped me.  I saw how deceived people can be and how our decisions have an effect on others.  It would have been really easy for me to turn my back on church completely but instead I became more acutely aware of how my actions could be twisted and inappropriately perceived.  I became really sensitive to appearance which I believe has served me well in ministry.

What is something you hope to see in the future?
I hope to see me healthy enough to have children.  I saw an episode of a show called, "Obese and Pregnant."  I don't want that.  I want to be healthy so my kids can be healthy.

What song reminds you of the happiest day of your life?
It is really hard for me to pick the happiest day of my life because I've had so many.  I know, I need to cut it out, Polly Sunshine.  Without a doubt, one of the happiest days of my life was when I got married.  My dearest friends and family were there and it was just a blast.  It was beautiful, had good food, and I looked FANTASTIC, if I do say so myself.  The song that Curtis and I danced to was entitled, "The Nearness of You" by Norah Jones.  Every time I hear that song I think of dancing with my new husband and the beautiful day.

What song reminds you of the saddest day of your life? 
I've had a couple of sad days.  Probably one of the saddest was the day my grandfather died.  I won't get into the details of the day but I will tell you that my Dad-o was an incredible man and I haven't seen that many people at a funeral who wasn't a celebrity.  I sang a song at his funeral mostly because of the chorus.  I was requested to sing Amazing Grace, the Chris Tomlin version.  The chorus says, "My chains are gone, I've been set free."  Dad-o had so many physical ailments he was truly in chains in his own body.  Not anymore. 

So I guess my saddest day also speaks of happiness because the celebration of his life was incredible.  This Friday Five is a bit more serious than some I've seen, but that's ok, I dig it.

*If you do not know what a Friday Five is and still haven't picked it up from the rest of the post, allow me to explain.  A Friday Five is a series of five questions that are asked every Friday for bloggers to answer.  The questions are different each week and are different from source to source.