Saturday, April 2, 2016

"A" is for Anime

I am totally copying my friend, Jeremy, and doing a blogging challenge. The goal is to do a blog a day in April (except Sundays) and use the alphabet as the guide. I'm starting a day late so I'll blog on this Sunday to catch up. So here we go.

"A" is for Anime

I have a friend that has a problem. Anything that has to do with Japan makes her squeal like a little kid opening presents on Christmas morning. Her biggest obsession (of sorts) is anime. I have a few other friends that are also really into anime but she's a bit ridiculous.

Since she and I are really close friends, I have been exposed to more anime than I care to admit. I even went to Anime North Texas (there was a Groupon). I gave in and started watching one called Attack on Titan. It was interesting but it kinda lost me after a while. I stopped watching right before the female Titan came around.

Then came RWBY. I watched all that was available because I was watching it with others. And true, I even have a favorite character. It was fun but when the third season came out, I didn't watch it. I know I will eventually but I think it can only be watched on Crunchy Roll and I don't have a subscription. I'm sure it will come out on Netflix. I'll watch it then.

Now, I'm making an effort with another one. Full Metal Alchemist. I've been told that the Brotherhood is the best but how can you jump into the middle of a complicated story. I've started from the beginning and so far it has my attention which means that it is distracting me from homework and paperwork.

Gotta say, the little kids in this show are absolutely adorable.

You can read Jeremy's A to Z Challenge here.

Thanks, Jeremy, for introducing me to the A-to-Z Challenge.


  1. You're not coming into the middle of the story. They're both two totally seperate shows. Brotherhood isn't a sequel or second season. The Britherhood is based on the manga; the other is based on what manga was done at the time and then they made up the rest of it.

    1. Yeah, but the Brotherhood starts with the viewer understanding the premise of alchemy. I had to go back to the beginning.

  2. Denise, do you feel that these shows are appropriate for teenaged Christian girls? Just curious - I have one that is obsessed with all that you have mentioned. I would love to hear your opinion!

    1. Well, all of them do have some blood and gore to them but they aren't the real bad ones about that. RWBY is a story about being trained to be warriors and fight. Full Metal Alchemist does deal with some deep subjects but it seems ok so far. FMA explains alchemy as a science that uses transmutation circles. Those circles could be viewed as a part of a pagan religion but I don't think so.
      You do have to be careful with anime because not all of it is ok. It's not just cartoons as many seem to think. Some have a lot of sex and violence in them. Just keep your eyes open.
