Friday, April 8, 2016

"G" is for Giggle

When did it become unmasculine to giggle? When did that word become associated with girlie things? Is it associated with girlie things? Am I just making that up? Or am I simply projecting what others have said to me when I've commented on their giggles?

I'm gonna go with the last one. He's gonna be mad at me for saying this, but here goes:

My husband giggles.

He does! He hates it when I say that because he says that men don't giggle. Well, I looked up the definition of giggle in the dictionary and this is what it says:

laugh lightly in a nervous, affected, or silly manner.
a light, silly laugh.

No where in that definition does it say that it is unmanly or girlie. And no, I didn't just cut off the defintion to suit my purposes. I find giggles to be very endearing. I love it when my husband giggles. It is such a joyful sound because he doesn't do it when he's nervous. He only does it when he finds something surprisingly funny but not guffaw-funny. 

By the way, his guffaw is also a favorite of mine.


  1. This almost made me giggle turn I remembered that I'm a man.

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